Meet my new friend, Herman, the German Friendship Cake.  Only, he’s not quite cake yet.  More a bubbling blob of beige that kind of smells like glue…


If you’re not familiar with Herman, he’s a sourdough cake starter that you are gifted by a friend, that you feed and nurture for ten days.  By this time he will have quadrupled in size, so you split him into four batches and pass three on to friends who then start their own ten day feeding cycle of the Herman sprogs.  The fourth batch you bake into a delicious cake, full of cinnamon and apples, and share with more friends.  How lovely is that!

So this is my Herman, on day 2.  The instructions that he came with are hilarious!  They’re handwritten and besides those days where Herman gets hungry and you have to feed him, they’ve drawn a sad face next to the “or he’ll die” warning LOL  I’ll be back when he’s less blobby and more cakey, which I’ve already tasked Hubby with the baking of since Herman is of Amish origin, apparently, and Hubby hails from Amish country (although isn’t actually Amish himself…)