Hello there, and welcome to our wee corner of the blogosphere. 🙂

I’m ‘the face’ of fifigoesnom but it’s very much a joint effort with The Hubby, who doubles as blog designer and webmaster.  We’re both professional geeks by day and amateur foodies by night, who have torn too many pages out of cooking magazines, saved too many recipe links haphazardly in draft emails, spent too much time gawking at and pinning food pr0n, and just about run out of room to store our ever expanding collection of cookbooks.  Occasionally, we even have time to try out some of these snipped and clipped recipes and hope that they taste as good as they look! 

Which is where the idea for this blog really came from, a place to share the recipes we’ve tried and tested and actually enjoyed (as opposed to those which were meh at best, horribly disappointingly at worst) with other home cooks like us. 

Every now and then we take a break from posting recipes to ramble instead about great things and great places to eat, or shiny kitchen gadgets that have caught our eye.  All opinions are our own, and we only rave about brands and products that we genuinely love. 

Born in Hong Kong, living in Edinburgh, and married to an American, my kitchen is never a dull place!  Hopefully that’s reflected here. 🙂 

If you do try any of the recipes, or have any questions or comments about the blog, I’d love to hear what you think so please don’t be shy to leave a comment or drop me a line.

Thank you for stopping by.  I hope you enjoy reading our blog as much as we enjoy writing it!